Hi again ;) Hurm, rasanya sepanjang saya menaip di blog baru saya ni, eh! blog baru? ade blog lame ke? Yes, i have it before and i don't think i am gonna update anything on that blog since i already forgot the password. HAHAHA.booo me! >.< Back to topic. Ha! mungkin ada diluar sana mesti ingat saya baru memblog. No actually. Saya da ade blog before tapi macam untuk menaip di blog baru. So, this is me right now. A little thing that you might need to know about me
My full name is; Che Nurul Syamimi Binti Che Soh
Che? Yes! I am Kelantanies. ;)
I'm 23 this year 2010
I'm currently working as a Multimedia Designer. Sound's cool but it is not actually. Haha
I'm ex-Uniten's student
I'm engaged and I'm gonna married next year ;)
I love fashion. I love make up. Hey! who doesn't? rite girls? hehehe
What else?
May be next time I'll update more ;)
cik puan mimi |
update: Terasa saya pula ingin menganjurkan contest. Sape setuju? tapi contest saya mungkin peluang kepada gurls je untuk menang. hehehe. Its oke boys. No hurt feeling oke? tengah berkira-kira. contest yang mcm mane dan hadiah ape nak bagi? sempena blog baru saya ni..hehee ;)
hi darling...ngeaa...nk buat contest..buatlarh..sue suke contest2 ni..hehehehe
ok darl! ;) will thing about that soon. dont forget to joint and invite your friends. ^__^
comel nye tuan blog.
kelantaneese memang comel2 kan..
@koroe; yeke? waaa.malu2..(lari masuk toilet) haha.. tak lah! wuuu *blushing >.<"
hehe. comel. btw, nk kawin jgn lupa jemput. insyallah dtg. hehe.
@sha; hahaha.kawen taun depan.nanti i upload kad.hehe
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