
Nov 12, 2010

Oh wishlish

iPhone 4 

Blackberry curve
My Sony-E da gila. asyik jemmm je. fuh! tengah bersabar. need to grab one of that fast! huhu.

Bilik yang sejuk!

Hi dan hi..
just nk bgtau bilik ai sejukkk koooo~
bilik ngadap bukit pastu boleh bkk tingkap luas2..sedap btol tdo smp tengah ari. (eh tiba2)
esok nk tdoooo je..xde ape nk wat.. kecuali kena bangun pkl 9.30 sbb ade org nk pasang astro tanpa piring main cucuk2 kt dinding je..kikiki..

esok lunch alamanda la kot..sorg2...wuuu!!!
sedey bebeno lunch sorg2..dah kate rumah 5 minit smp alamanda..mmg la asyik pegi alamanda je.. ;p

mandi jap~~~ daa

Nov 8, 2010

Ola Putrajaya

*too much light

Nov 4, 2010

I adore her!

Sekarang kat office tak de keje sangat. then, hari-hari pergi office hanya berjalan ke blog-blog org.
hehehe. Seronok bukan?

Hey what? I adore this Gurl. OMG! blog dia best sangat. sila lah berkunjung. hehe. Baca blog die, terasa nk pegi melancong..menjauhkn diri dari keserabutan.

*Madam Alix

Nov 3, 2010

Peeps dont understand me!

Sometimes people don't understand me.
I am try to act nice. but they give me sh*t.
What's wrong hey?!!

I am tired. Enough said.

*listening to: Lenka-trouble is a friends

Hi! It's me again

salam to everyone.
x sangka saya da buat satu lagi blog.
rasa sudah malas untuk menulis di blog lama.

nway, im just good.
with my new life, my new decision.
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